Thursday, November 18, 2010

Justice Scalia

In class you watched the first portion of an interview with Justice Antonin Scalia. This was the video shown in class:;photovideo

This second video offers more biographical information on Justice Scalia:;photovideo

What is your opinion of Justice Scalia? Do you agree with his views on how the Constitution should be interpreted? Why or why not?


  1. I like Justice Scalia as a Supreme Court judge. He is a man who possesses a significant amount of intellengence. He obtained a life of great success through a lot of intelligence and a lot of hard work. I do agree with his personal views on how the Constitution should be interpreted. He views the Constitution and then tries to relate the words in the Constitution to the intent/meaning of the framers of the Constitution and tries to take on the mindset of one of them when deciding how to vote on a case. This is called being an originalist. I agree with his philosiphy on how to interpret the Constitution because the framers were the ones who built this country from scratch and we should try to relate to what they thought so we can better know what is best for our country.

  2. I believe that Justice Scalia is a good judge. He is confident with his decisions and he is very stubborn. I think that this is and aspect of being a good judge. He doesn't take any objections from anyone. Would I like him as a person?no he is stubborn and would not be fun to argue with. It seems as if once he has his word put in he doesn't care because he thinks he always right. Judges need to be confident in their choices because you don't want them having to regret their choice. If you think your choice is correct you will hold your ground and fight against any ideas that aren't along side with yours. He is a good judge and I agree with many of his choices.

  3. I belive that Justice scalia is a very good judge for many reason. The first being that he is not afraid to express his though completely even though many people strongly dilike him. I belive his pontential as a very talented judge is extremly high. His intellgigence makes him a excellent decision maker. Also I belive that his methods of Interpretation(orginalism)is very intresting. Justice Scalia does an excellent job of imagining what the founders intent on the constitutuion was. His personality allows him to make very well thought decisions;however in some situation I belive his method may be wrong. I believe that he should take into prespective the wants and needs of todays society. If Justic scalia can intepret the constitution through orginalism and todays value, then he would probaly be liked by more people. I still belive that he is favorit judge; but if he could change some of his views then he would be consdiered the best Judge. Overall I believe that Justcie Scalia is a very talented Judge. His stubborness, integrity, and beliefs allow him to make very well informed decision. Among the few orginalist, he has done a very well job of sticking too his beliefs.

  4. Chris Hansen

    I like Scalia. I like his strict way of interperting the constitution because I feel that it is the right way. I like how his way of thinming that if it doesn't involve the supreme court bring it to the legislative branch.I think that alot of people get carried away when thinking about supreme court judges judging the constitution and they tend to get carried away and take interpreting the constitution too far. I like his strict way because It prevents an abuse of power that is easy to happen when interpreting in a loose way. I also like how he sticks to what the founders wanted. I don't believe he's holding us back as some people in the video said I believe that he's just doing his job the way it supposed to be done.
