Wednesday, December 15, 2010

What is WikiLeaks?

This video gives a simple overview of WikiLeaks. How do you feel about WikiLeaks?


  1. I think that wikileaks is a very bad and potentially very dangerous and harmful website to the government of the United States. The website contains many classified United State's government documents that should not be so easily accessible to the general public as they are because of this website. I think that Julian Asange did a terrible thing when he decided it would be a good idea to set up and create this website and I think he should go to jail for a long time. It also seems very suspicious to me how he got his hands on all of these documents.

  2. I think wikileaks is okay as long as they don't reveal any personal information such as FBI agents names, or thing potentially dangerous to homeland security. On the other hand, there are something that the people have a right to know about the government. A good example of this is a video on wikileaks of a U.S. Army apache helicopter killing innocent civilians. People have a right to know that the Army could be ordering the killing of these people simply because they look suspicious Besides, we know the government can protect itself by limiting freedom of speech if it is harmful to the country. In addition, one of the leaks on the main page is about some companies planning to take down wikileaks through hacking their sight. Also, the sight archives aren't always accessible. In conclusion, I think wikileaks should be allowed to remain open, and if there is something the public shouldn't know, they government will take care of it.

  3. I believe that the idea behind wiki leaks was ok however the way that wikileaks was used was awful. i believe that Julian Assange should go to jail for a long time, and anyone that sent him information. I think that what they posted on this website created potential threats to the united states and could have put us in danger. However we are entitled to freedom of speech and if it weren't for this right we wouldn't be where we are today. Although I am a big fan of freedom of speech I still believe wiki leaks should be shut down and the contributors arrested. i think that, especially in this time when we are at war leaking classified files online is dangerous. So all in all I believe that wiki leaks was a good idea just the way they were using it was bad.

    Chris Hansen

  4. I, this time, would disagree with Chris Hansen. I would fall into this position due to the fact that I believe that, as long as the info leaked does not put anyone into harm's way, it is certainly ok if not recomended. I believe this because shouldn't we, the people who are protected by the armed services, know their past actions and details and, in response to the example of the attack where civilians were harmed, why should that be covered up if not to save the skin of any person involved in the attack, which should not have happened in the first place due to our message of peaceful, democratic changes to make standards of life better. I believe that the only reason that some are opposed to wikileaks is that they are trying to cover up their behind in past mistakes made during a war and they would prefer that the world no know about some of the darker skeletons in their closet of lies and deceit.
    -Jonathan Shea

  5. I think that Wikileaks is very potent with our government. One might originally think that Assange has a right to post that. However, it fails the clear and present danger test. Wikileaks puts many of our men and women in uniform at risk. While government transparency is a good thing it should come from the government and in a way that will not endanger our nation as a whole.
    -Billy Curts
