Thursday, March 10, 2011

Hitler Biography

Hitler Biography. What issues from Hitler's childhood shaped him into the man he became?


  1. Adolf Hitler had a troubled childhood because he had to live with a mean father who beat and abused him in the earlier years of his life through his childhood. This can have a very lasting impact on a person physically, emotionally, and phsycalogically. There are many reasons for Hitler's evil deeds against many people of the world, but they may have been caused by the fact that he was abused by his father as a child. This is by no means an excuse, but it may make the blame not as strong on Adolf Hitler, but there is still a lot of blame that he deserves.

  2. This past Friday, we took an after school field trip to the Museum of Science and we spent our time in the Human Race Exhibit. This exhibit consisted of many different facts, videos, and activities that can help people better understand how and why poeple catagorize other people as being part of a different race or ethnicity. Often times, these people are incorrect or wrong. This isnot a good thing to do to catagorize poeple as being a part of the race because even if the person is part of the race, then they will know that you are stereotyping and they might become offended.

  3. I believe that, in his own personal experience, he experienced sufficient rejection, through his abusive father, his lack of talent at school, and his dejection as an artist from the Academy of Fine Arts, to believe that the only way to be accepted and succeed victoriously was a preemptive strike so to avoid being beaten. I also believe that his sense of belonging in the army during World War 1 was dangerously forboding and frighteningly appropriate forshadowing, in that, when he found himself in the heat of battle, surviving as those around him fell, he felt most at home, and felt no remorse for those that he fought and killed.
    -Jonathan Shea

  4. I heard a rumor at my old school at how Hitler had a grudge against the jewish people because his mother died of cancer and the doctor treating her was jewish. Therefore, he blamed the jewish doctor for his mother's death and that is why he killed all of those people. Is this true?
    -Charlie Flaherty
