Oscar Romero spoke often about the need for all of us to fight injustice. He believed that God was with those who suffered and stood by and supported those who took a stand for what was right. Romero gave his life for those suffering in El Salvador, but his words about justice ring true in America's own struggle with civil rights.
The 8th graders of the Arrupe Division have learned about Romero and his steadfast faith in religion class and now they are connecting his words to the American Civil Rights Movement in social studies class. By examining these case studies we can all deepen our commitment to fighting injustices thereby drawing us closer to God.
Kevin Enabulele
ReplyDeleteMrs. Wilson
"When the church hears the cry of the oppressed it cannot but denounce the social structures that give rise to and perpetuate the misery from which the cry arises."
This quote is saying that the when church hears the cry of the oppressed it cannot take sides with the people running the oppression. Instead they denounce it and show that it is bad. You should follow in the path of the church and also step in and say something is wrong when it is wrong. This can be applied to the Civil Rights Movement because segregation and discrimination are both very bad things. So unless we step in and act upon the fact that it is wrong than its evil will continue. This is what the NAACP did because they knew segregation was wrong and so they took their just opinion to the court in an attempt to "denounce the social structures that give rise to and perpetuate the misery from which the cry arises." Finally you should go and do what the church does and step up when you see something is wrong and know it is wrong. You should try and get rid of whatever is causing the oppression and in this case it was the government.
Justin Fein
ReplyDeleteMrs. Wilson
"Brothers, you came from our own people. You are killing you own brothers. Any human order to kill must be subordinate to the law of God, which says, "Thou shalt not kill." No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God. No one has to obey an immoral law. It is high time you obeyed your consiencs rather than sinful orders."
This quote said by Oscar Romero relates to my topic because my topic is about three men who were fighting to seek justice, were killed. In this quote Oscar Romero talks about how if you kill a man no matter what the circumstances are you are sinning against God. He states that we are all originated from the same people and that we are brothers and sisters and that when we kill each other it is like killing a brother or a sister. In my topic, we see that this quote is not lived out and is ignored. We see that the men do not think as the three men that they are killing as their brothers. They do not look to see the comonalities in one another and sin against the law of God, "thou shalt not kill." The killing of these three men show us that if you ignore the fact that all men are created equal and that we are all brothers, very scary and horrible things can happen and we see this all throughout history. This quote has a very deep meaning and can be applied to many events during the Civil Rights Movement.
Greg Miller
ReplyDelete"Brothers, you came from our own people. You are killing you own brothers. Any human order to kill must be subordinate to the law of God, which says, "Thou shalt not kill." No soldier is obliged to obey an order contrary to the law of God. No one has to obey an immoral law. It is high time you obeyed your consiencs rather than sinful orders."
Romero's quote relates to my topic by preventing violence against the minoritiy group. In one of my articles, the SNCC had a peaceful protest at a restaraunt that became to come on t.v. and was saw by thousands. It would spark the U.S. to think more about racism. The quote from Romero calls to the Salvadoran government to stop killing its people. We are all brothers and sisters. "Thou shalt not kill", but why does it happen, we are all one family. This is how important the quote really is and what it means fore the SNCC.
Pat F
ReplyDelete"We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that god wants; that God demands of us."
Oscar Romero is saying why can't we be equal and why can't we get along. Why does there have to be hate and inequality. Why does someone have to be better than someone else because they are different or irregular. Yes, we may have differences but that doesnt mean seperate. Oscar Romero wanted equality and us citizens of America we fight for that to. Because we want there to be equality everywhere and to be world peace. But why can't we have equality everywhere why must we discriminate. No one knows and we're still trying to figure out what race means today. Some day we will have a day of equality and justice. Where there will be no hate or indifference.
Jack Murphy
ReplyDelete"When the church hears the cry of the oppressed it cannot but denounce the social structures that give rise to and perpetuate the misery from which the cry arises."
Oscar Romero is saying here that when people see a problem, it doesn't do much good to just try and fix the problem temporarily by, in the case of racism and my topic, help out the victims of racism. The only thing that will actually help those people would be to stop the problem at the roots, and take away the laws and make the government acknowledge racism. The SNCC helped to do this by protesting at a restaurant that wouldn't serve food to them. They were going against the whole system when they did this, which is exactly what Romero was saying that the Church would do. This is how Romero's quote relates to my topic.
Michael Rauseo
ReplyDelete“We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us".
Oscar Romero is saying that God wants us to improve society when it is full of bad. If we can improve society God begs us to is basically what he is saying. My topic for the project is March on Washington. This quote relates to that topic because the march was all for the improvement of society in the country, equal rights for blacks. The society before the march was unfair for African Americans and the march was made to make the rights of African Americans equal with whites. They wanted to earn the rights they deserved. If Romero saw the march I think he would have said this quote again to support the march. If he were alive at that moment I think he might have been in the march with everyone else fighting for their rights, speaking, and changing minds of the government.
Ryan O'Connor
ReplyDelete"We suffer with those who have been disappeared, those who have fled their homes, and those who have been tortured."
Oscar Romero is saying that everything that happens to those who have been murdered and tortured has to be changed by the people that are blessed with safety. During the bombing of 16th street church people suffered from injury and people suffered from the death of loved ones. During the time these people are suffering the people that aren't suffering have to suffer with them. The way people can suffer with those who are suffering is to care, comfort, and feel their pain. If people care for their surrondings their will be no more suffering and hatred. Their will be so much more love between blacks and whites if we suffer with those who flee from their homes and those who have been tortured. When the Klu Klux Klan killed those four little black girls in the church, people didn't understand and they did't want to suffer with those in need.
Jack Ditomassi - Brendan Prenderville - James Mealey
ReplyDelete“We suffer with those who have disappeared, those who have fled their homes and those who have been tortured.”
This quote by Oscar Romero helped open our eyes and allowed us to understand the Black Panthers more. Even though the Black Panthers used violence in order to gain control, they felt the pain of their people. When blacks were killed and mistreated, they felt obliged to stick up for them. If they didn’t retaliate, blacks would suffer a lot more than they had. When people such as Emmet Till were killed for no real reason, the Black Panthers couldn’t stand around. Safety was the key thing that they had to enforce. Through this quote, we are able to see through the eyes of the Black Panthers. We can see that all blacks were their family and they were on duty to protect them. Oscar Romero was able to say that when someone’s kind is in pain, that person suffers with them. When he said this, he was talking about the murdered people in El Salvador. This can be related to the murdered and injured blacks in America. Overall, this quote can enable anyone to realize that the Civil Rights Movement was tough time of pain that the Black Panthers tried to heal.
Jack Ditomassi - Brendan Prenderville - James Mealey
ReplyDeleteWe suffer with those who have disappeared, those who have fled their homes and those who have been tortured.”
This quote by Oscar Romero helped open our eyes and allowed us to understand the Black Panthers more. Even though the Black Panthers used violence in order to gain control, they felt the pain of their people. When blacks were killed and mistreated, they felt obliged to stick up for them. If they didn’t retaliate, blacks would suffer a lot more than they had. When people such as Emmet Till were killed for no real reason, the Black Panthers couldn’t stand around. Safety was the key thing that they had to enforce. Through this quote, we are able to see through the eyes of the Black Panthers. We can see that all blacks were their family and they were on duty to protect them. Oscar Romero was able to say that when someone’s kind is in pain, that person suffers with them. When he said this, he was talking about the murdered people in El Salvador. This can be related to the murdered and injured blacks in America. Overall, this quote can enable anyone to realize that the Civil Rights Movement was a tough time of pain that the Black Panthers tried to heal.
David Harte
ReplyDeleteMr. Ahmed
“If we are worth anything, it is not because we have more money or more talent, or more human qualities. Insofar as we are worth anything, it is because we are grafted on to Christ’s life, his cross and resurrection. That is a person’s measure.”
I think this quote means that humans shouldn't be judged by how rich they are or how good of a basketball player they are, they should be judged by there personalty. It shouldn't matter their skin color or ethnicity they should be judged by the character of the man that they are. This relates to my topic on" The Montgomery bus boycott" because black people were being told that they had to sit in the back of the bus because white people were more superior to them. This was not true. The black men and women were equal to the white men and women, the only difference being there skin color. The whites views about equality were being muddled because by law they had been superior to the blacks for hundreds of years. they were not able to grasp the fact that all humans are created equal, no man better than the one standing next to him.
Sean Dooling
ReplyDelete"We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us".
This quote by Oscar Romero relates to my topic of Greensboro four and sit ins. As I was examining this quote I thought about how the Greensboro sit ins could be an effort that "God wants; that God demands of us." The sit ins are deffinatly an effort to improve society.In Greensboro stores would not serve African Americans at the counter. This is a great injustice. God calls us to get rid of all injustices which is exactly what the Greensboro four were trying to do. Oscar Romero meant that God was calling us to get rid of the injustice of senseless murder in El Salvador. We can relate this quote to all situations of injustice; not just Greensboro.
-Brandon Chin and Ethan Crespo
ReplyDelete“We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us".
Oscar Romero's quote reflects the NAACP on what they try to do to improve the American society. The NAACP tries it's best to be able to help blacks obtain equal rights. This quote relates to the works of the NAACP and gives another reason why the NAACP helps blacks. The NAACP doesn't only help blacks but other ethnic groups aswell. The way we see Romero's words living in our topic is as a goal for the NAACP becasue this quote can show what the NAACP tries to do for everyone becasue a society is full of people from different diversities. NAACP was able to grant blacks equal opportunities in education. Which improves the society of the image of blacks. The NAACP is always helping the minority.
kenny macmaster
ReplyDelete"we suffer with those who have disappeared, those who have had to flee their homes, and those who have been tortured."
oscar romero is saying here that when other people suffer, the church suffers with them. it is saying that they understand their pain. it is related to my topic because malcolm x literally suffered with these people. he ran many times from those who would have harmed him for his views. after leaving the NOI he did this a lot. he definetly felt the pain of those who have had to flee their homes.
We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses; that God wants; that God demands of us".
ReplyDeleteThis quote is saying that this world is full of bad things. There are many problems that can be solved in this world. With God’s help we can overcome these problems, injustices, and terrors. We should work for God’s name to create a better world; a world blessed by the mercy of God. If everyone can work together every problem can be seized one by one in moderation. My topic is “the march on Washington.” The quote is related to my topic because during the march some blacks and whites to fight against segregation and the unfair treatment of Negros. This would create a gradual change in some people’s mind. It shows that anything can be possible with God, even when the odds are against you. In this case, segregation was everywhere and didn’t really look as though it would get better all of a sudden. The people who decided to join this march made an effort to fix problems because God wants the best for his creation.
"We know that every effort to improve society, above all when society is so full of injustice and sin, is an effort that God blesses, that God wants; that God demands of us"
ReplyDeleteThis quote relates to the Greensboro Four and sit-ins because of the way the quote brings up what God wants us to do. It started out with these 4 students going into this store, them protesting to refuse leaving the lunch counter. But others recognized what they were doing, and joined them. This shows them knowing what God wants of them, and decided to do the right thing and help out in the cause. Other students had seen this calling from God, in a sense, and joined efforts. I think that this quote shows that people can help each other out, and it can lead to something as big as these protests and sit-ins.
Michael Cadigan
ReplyDelete“If we are worth anything, it is not because we have more money or more talent, or more human qualities. Insofar as we are worth anything, it is because we are grafted on to Christ’s life, his cross and resurrection. That is a person’s measure.”
This quote realates well to the Montgomery bus boycott in many ways. The first way our topic relates well to this quote is that people shouldnt be judged by their skin color or by their ethnicity. also, this quote helps us understand how poorly the blacks wanted to be treated equally. the second way is that this quote shows that the Blacks during this time were known as inferior to the Blacks. we should learn and understand from this quote that during the Montgomery bus boycott, Blacks were segrigated from sitting with "normal" people. this is how sick minded the white people were back then. they wouldnt allow Black people to sit with them because they didnt have the "normal" skin color that they had. this is how i think this quote relates to our topic, The Montgomery Bus Boycott.
Addison Cartwright
ReplyDelete“If we are worth anything, it is not because we have more money or more talent, or more human qualities. Insofar as we are worth anything, it is because we are grafted on to Christ’s life, his cross and resurrection. That is a person’s measure.”
This quote said by Oscar Romero reflects and has an impact on the Montgomery Bus Boycott in many different ways. This is so because Oscar Romero is saying that no matter who anyone is, everyone should be treated equal and fair. Nobody should be treated unfairly because they are rich, poor, Black, or White. Oscar Romero stresses this idea and he thinks that 'seperate but equal' is unfair and unjust to any society. Segregation caused peoples views to be changed on one another causing a major hatered for one another; it was mainly the Blacks and Whites. This is what Romero was referring to when he said that the Catholics were getting off track with the Church and God's path. All in all, Romero's thoughts were that everyone was equal and they should have the same rights as eachother in a just society.
Matt Flaherty
ReplyDelete"We suffer with those who have disappeared, those who have had to flee thier homes, and those who have been tortured." This quote by Oscar Romero states that we must understand other people's pain. Malcolm X had to actually experience this sort of pain because he was faced with many threats during his lifetime. By understanding this quote we should understand Romero's pain and feel sorry for him. When the qoute says that we suffer with them, it means that we suffer for their losses.