Sunday, March 7, 2010

New Challenge! Armenian Genocide

Read'Creating Enemies of the State: The Armenians' pg 102 and watch this video Respond to the post: What was the Armenian Genocide? What factors allowed Turkey to use Armenians as scapegoats?


  1. The Armenian Genocide was the mass slaughter of many, many Armenians during World War 1. Armenians were sent towards the mountains, and died of starvation and thirst. They were also killed by bandits and the military/police. The Turkish government at the time said that the Armenians were a dangerous minority, and because of World War 1 going on at the time, they were in essence able to 'remove them'. It is quite sad that this type of horrible genecide would happen.

  2. I know a lot about the Armenian Genocide because during one CAFE club, the person who was presenting was doing his presentation on Armenia. He described the Armenian Genocide. Though I had never heard of it before in my life, I found it very interesting. I learned A LOT, and i was VERY surprised at what I heard. What I learned was that thousands and thousands of Armenians were killed within short periods of time--many of them women and children. To the Armenians, this event was and is known as the "Armenian Holocaust". A total of about 1.5 million Armenians were killed. Basically, they were used as a scapegoat because someone needed to be blamed for the war in that area in Turkey's eyes. They were just unlucky--any "minority group" could've had this done to them. The Armenians were just the first to have fingers pointed at them.

  3. The two sources that i have just read and viewed are the firsts two sources of the armenian genocide that I have encountered. First let me say how awful the Armenian Genocide. The Armenians were used by the Turkey government as " Scapegoat" because the government needed someone to blame for the war that had just taken place. The Armenian Genocide was the killing of over 1,000 Armenians. These people were killed by Turks either from being shot or hanged. An example of how they were murdered is if someone owned a firearm and didn't give it up they would be shot. According to the reading it said that who ever was 17 or lder was to report to the fields. Here they were deported to the mountain where they were killed. Corpses laid everywhere and many of the Armenians died from lack of food and water. The Armenians were one group of minority out of many at the time but the Turkey government considered them " dangerous" and this was there reasoning behind this awful event. I believe that there is no reason in the entire world for this action that was taken and may the people of the Armenian Genocide rest in peace.

  4. "The whole country is one vast slaughter house." This quote really stood out to me from the video. The Armenian Genocide has been put in the shadow of the Holocaust and has been overlooked by many. Before the reading and video I had only heard of this event. I knew no details. I cannot believe that the Turks, their armed forces, and bandits massacred the Armenian population like this. Dead bodies lined the streets. Children sobbed over their mothers corpse and people were hung over anything. Anyone over 17 was sent to the mountains to be mass murdered. It is unbelievable how many times people have looked for someone to blame in history. The Armenian Genocide is no exception. We cannot go back in time and change this or the Holocaust so the only thing we can do is learn from it and prevent it from happening again in the future because now we all know that man is capable of it happening again.

  5. After reading the aove posts I couldn't help but think of "the darkness of man's heart" that Golding talks about in Lord of the Flies. I often think to myself it would be impossible for me to kill anyone, that it must be so hard for anyone to murder another human being. But, look at how many people throughout history have participated in murder compared to the number of people who chose to be upstanders and speak out. How can choosing to not kill and not tolerate murder be more difficult than commiting murder?
