Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Candidates' Positions on Immigration

Recently, on WBUR (Boston's NPR station) Bianca Vazquez Toness provided a summary of each candidates' position on immigration. Each candidate offers very different perspectives and potential policies for dealing with immigration. Listen to the story at the following link:

Which candidate(s) do you agree/disagree with? Why? Which candidate's position is best in helping to create a just society?


  1. Cullen Clougherty said...
    I think that in the United States needs to step up it’s game in enforcing the border control situation. I think that we have to have stronger forces guarding our borders. But I do think that if an illegal immigrant is found then we should not deport them, just make them apply to be a citizen. I think that if they took the effort of trying to come into the United States then they deserve to stay in the U.S.A. People need to realize that our country is made up of immigrant sand that if we are going to stay strong as a country then we need to have immigrants legally flowing in.

  2. I think that the US needs to tighten security on the border. Our country is experiencing a lot of problems recently, and illegal immigration might be an easy problem to solve. However, I think that legal immigration should be made more readily available. This country was built by immigrants, and legal immigration will help us to advance. Also, I think that illegal immigrants already across the border should be allowed to stay. Most of the people crossing the border illegally are only doing so because they desperately need to support their families, and they can find no other way to do it.

  3. I agree with the two people above me however when the US tightened security after 9/11. Then the security and police had the power to almost do whatever they wanted to do. I believe that they should tighten up people coming into the country because we would never want another 9/11 happening again. Some people in this would are just going to be crazy and they will try and blow up major places in our wonderful country. These people who try to damage the property like this should be sentenced to death. I believe that terrorists have done what they wanted to do which was make our country afraid of what could happen. Before 9/11 people could freely travel into the US and fly where they wanted. These terrorists have made our country scared. I believe they have done what they wanted to do. I beilieve that they should stop illegal immigration but not in the way that Arizona did because that iss just wrong to make someone carry around their papers just because of their skin color. I believe that that is inhuman

  4. I agree with everyone the border must be tightened its way to easy for people to come to the US. All someone has to do is go to canada and then walk over through the woods its that simple. For all we know terrorists could just walk over any time. Thats why after 911 it was a complete wake up call. Security was tightened immensely giving the police the ability to do whatever they want. Also I disagree with the sistuation that is occuring in Arizona. I feel that they should stop immigration but not in a way that Arizona did. Arizona makes people carry around papers because of there skin color what is wrong with them. Personally I feel that this is a little raciast there could just as easily be an immigrant who is white it doesn't matter. I thought in America we didn't jugde was is the state gov't in Arizona.

  5. I agree with everyone else who commented on this issue. The United States Border Patrol really needs to become a lot stronger than it is. It is very easy for immigrants to waltz right into this country. It is also easy for people who are not immigrants but can be considered dangerous people to enter the United States. If we had a stronger border patrol, then the 9/11 tragedy that took many people's lives might not have occured. If immigrants who are residing here illegaly are caught and arrested, then they should be sent back to their country, or we will start to face problems like over-population, and finding a job and affordable housing for everyone in our country.
