Today was a great day for a field trip. The air was crisp, but the sun was shining. I especially liked seeing the gubernatorial candidate Tim Cahill giving his speech outside the State House. It's civics in action. What did you like most about our field trips?
andrew- checking to see if profile works
ReplyDeleteMrs. Wilson I just wrote a 200 word reflection on the trip three times and it said it posted but i checked it again and it wasn't there. I don't know what i should do.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed our field trip to the Massachusetts State House and the JFK Library because I learned a lot from it and I thought it was very interesting. My favorite part of the State House was definitely the architecture of the building and how they changed the dome to gold instead of copper because copper turns green in the sun. I thought that it was very interesting how the architectures got the idea for pillars from the Greeks and the round arches from the Romans. Also, I thought that the large room with our nation's first flags and paintings on the ceiling were amazing. I was very interested in our nation's first flags because i thought it was cool how on the very first one, they ripped apart the white square in the corner to create stripes to represent the 13 colonies. My favorite part of the JFK Library was all of the interesting objects that were held in the museum from his time period. I liked how they they had videos and footage from JFK's life and when he took office. I also really enjoyed the video at the beginning of the trip because it gave me a lot of information about JFK's life and where he went to school, what he liked to do for fun, and what kind of person he was.
ReplyDeleteI thought are field trip on Friday to the State House and JFK Library were a great learning experience. The part of the field trip that I liked the most was the State House. I enjoyed the State House because the tour was very informative and I really learned a lot. One of my favorite parts was when we went into the office I was really amazed at how small the first office was and how big the second was it was a huge improvement. Also I learned that the dome used to be made with copper but since after a while it turns green due to sunlight they decided to turn it into Gold. The architecture of the State House truly was amazing espiacally the fact that almost evrything was built in marble. A small piece of information that I found interesting was that the man who designed the railings was very gifted but decided went crazy and was coming back to destroy his work before he died. Another thing that I was interested in was that when the representatives were fighting over what to make the states bird an eagle or turkey the designer decided to make a teagle that had both eagle and turkey features. Lastly a very inspiring sory I learned was that anyone can make a law. This happened a couple years back when a group of 2nd graders decided that they wanted the state bug to be a lady bug so they made a bill which was later made a law. I also really enjoyed the JFK library the exibits and facts were new to me. I really enjoyed the video at the beginning which gave you an insight to what John F. Kennedy enjoyed doing and what kind of man he really was. My favorite exibhit was his office that showed his work and his family it proved to me that JFK was a normal guy with an intelligent mind. Our field trip was very fun and I hope we go on more throughout the school year I just wish that we had more time at the JFK library.
ReplyDeleteI believe that the field trip to the state house and JFK Library was a great expirience. I enjoyed observing the artifacts and argiculture of the JFK library. The only problem with the trip was the lack of time given in order to view the several cites and stations at the library. I also had a great time visiting the state house. My favorite part about the state house was the viewing of both the office of the Senate President and the Conressional Hall. Overall I had a great time expanding my knowledge about the History of both the library and the state house.
ReplyDeleteThe part of our field trip I most enjoyed was having the oppurtunity learn about how the state politics run in the Massachusetts State House. I enjoyed learning about the different processes of passing a bill in the Senate versus passing a bill in the House of Representatives. There were also several things I enjoyed seeing and learning about in the John F. Kennedy Library. I enjoyed the introductory movie which gave some good background to his life. I liked the artifacts that we saw. I especially liked the story about the coconut that JFK wrote the message on and then gave to the native so he could go and get help. In the State House, I also enjoyed all of the different architecture and artwork. I thought the story about the architect who built the railings to the stairs was a little bit creepy, but it was actually kind of a interesting story.
ReplyDeleteCullen Clougherty said...
ReplyDeleteI think that the field trip to the JFK Library and and the State House was a great learning experience for all of us students who went on it and i thought that the JFK Library was more fun and more interactive and we had more freedom but I thought that the State House was more interesting because we got to explore the old artifacts and the building that helped shape MA. The part that i though twas the most interesting was seeing the chambers of the House and the Senate because we got to see where they worked and the environment they work in.
Cullen Clougherty said...
ReplyDeleteI think that the field trip to the MA State Archives was very interesting and i found that the field trip was well worth my time . I found the State Archives to be more interesting than the the JFK Library just because of the fact that there were original documents from hundreds of years ago. I also found that the interactive exhibits were much more interesting especially the witchcraft and the touchscreen documents exhibit. I enjoyed the video and the games also.
I really enjoyed going to the Massachusetts statehouse and the JFK library and museum. I believe that both experiences were worth it, but the Massachusetts state house was more educational than JFK library. At JFK, i did not think we had enough time to complete everything, but the experience was fun to see different parts of JFK's life/presidency. When we walked up to the state house, Tim Cahill was asking questions outside the state house for his gubernatorial candidacy. Also at the state house, we saw the senate and House of Representatives chambers. To me, this was the most interesting part. I am very glad that we were able to go on both of these field trips because they were such an educational experience.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed this field trip. Everyday we walk just by the JFK Library on our way to the train station. I travel along the red line until I reach the Park street stop. I never realized that the Massachusetts state house was so close to Park street station. This goes to show you that you have to open your eyes to see everything not just one or two things. At JFK I believe that our trip was very brief and that the video took up most of our time. I felt like I was doing an activity and then I was cut off because we had to go back to school. At JFK I really enjoyed seeing his office and I enjoyed learning about his campaign with Richard Nixon. JFK is one of my biggest role models and I would enjoy going back to the Library again for a longer period of time. At the State House I was so impressed with the structure. This building held so much history inside of it and so much of it to uncover. I liked the story of how the Cod fish was stolen off the ceiling and tossed on the grounds of Harvard. What amazed me was the ratio of the two parties in the room with the codfish. One party would have a nearly impossible time of getting what they wanted across. I thought that the job of helping out when you are a highschool student was very interesting and it would deffinetly be worth it to try and recieve that job. I thought the state house was a little more interesting that the library because it held so much history inside of it.
ReplyDeleteMy favorite part of our field trips to the John F. Kenedy library and the State House was the Artwork and Architecture both museums. In the John F. Kenedy Library, the first room was beautiful, with its white floors and soaring cieling, its amazing American flag, and its glass wall giving everyone a perfect view of the ocean. In the State house, there was that very detailed scale model of the original building, the great statue of the soldier and nurse with no clear focal point, the statues of famous American leaders, and pictures of past presidents and depictions of events from history.
ReplyDeleteJonathan Shea