This video gives a simple overview of WikiLeaks. How do you feel about WikiLeaks?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursday, November 18, 2010
Justice Scalia
In class you watched the first portion of an interview with Justice Antonin Scalia. This was the video shown in class:;photovideo
This second video offers more biographical information on Justice Scalia:;photovideo
What is your opinion of Justice Scalia? Do you agree with his views on how the Constitution should be interpreted? Why or why not?
This second video offers more biographical information on Justice Scalia:;photovideo
What is your opinion of Justice Scalia? Do you agree with his views on how the Constitution should be interpreted? Why or why not?
Thursday, November 4, 2010
US Supreme Court vs Video Games!
The video game industry has fought back against California's ban of violent video games to minors.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Candidates' Positions on Immigration
Recently, on WBUR (Boston's NPR station) Bianca Vazquez Toness provided a summary of each candidates' position on immigration. Each candidate offers very different perspectives and potential policies for dealing with immigration. Listen to the story at the following link:
Which candidate(s) do you agree/disagree with? Why? Which candidate's position is best in helping to create a just society?
Which candidate(s) do you agree/disagree with? Why? Which candidate's position is best in helping to create a just society?
Mary Anne Lewis visits BC High

Friday, October 22, 2010
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Our Own Government Suspending Rights....Say It Aint So...
Watch the following 60 Minutes segment on how the US Government suspended rights after 9/11. Were they right or wrong in doing so?
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
To infinity and beyond......Well lets just start with the basics... Why is education so important in the 2010 Governor election? How might education sway the tide of this election??? Is school really that big of a deal? What role does it play in the shaping of Massachusetts future???? Jump down the rabbit hole and find out....
Govenors websites:
tim cahill no education link
nytimes link:
Govenors websites:
tim cahill no education link
nytimes link:
Election Project-The Casino Debate in Mass
Tons of info regarding the debate from Scroll down the left tabs to earlier articles to see when and how the debate started.
This website has some great pros and cons of the issue. Easy to read and gives a nice overview of the effects casinos would bring to Mass.
Video is pro casinos and looks at the economics of the issue.
Tons of info regarding the debate from Scroll down the left tabs to earlier articles to see when and how the debate started.
This website has some great pros and cons of the issue. Easy to read and gives a nice overview of the effects casinos would bring to Mass.
Video is pro casinos and looks at the economics of the issue.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Election Project -- Cape Wind
Are you interested in the environmental politics? If so, check out the following resources to learn more about the controversial Cape Wind project.
The official website of Cape Wind can be found at . Keep in mind that this site is heavily biased in favor of the project.
This site was developed by the Olin College of Engineering and gives a brief overview of wind power and some of the key pros and cons.
This link will lead you to the reputable News Hour program on PBS. They have provided in depth coverage of both sides of the issue:
Similarly, Boston's NPR station WBUR has provided excellent coverage of the issue:
The following will lead you to a newspaper article focusing on the cons associated with the project:
I also found that searching Cape Wind on Galenet Opposing Viewpoints or Massachusetts Newspapers on the Library Resources page yielded great results.
The official website of Cape Wind can be found at . Keep in mind that this site is heavily biased in favor of the project.
This site was developed by the Olin College of Engineering and gives a brief overview of wind power and some of the key pros and cons.
This link will lead you to the reputable News Hour program on PBS. They have provided in depth coverage of both sides of the issue:
Similarly, Boston's NPR station WBUR has provided excellent coverage of the issue:
The following will lead you to a newspaper article focusing on the cons associated with the project:
I also found that searching Cape Wind on Galenet Opposing Viewpoints or Massachusetts Newspapers on the Library Resources page yielded great results.
Election Project --Immigration
Is immigration an issue you feel is important in the 2010 governor's race? Check out these links to find out more about this complex issue.
This first resource comes from an independant organization ( whose goal is to provide both sides of the issue. Take a look at this first to get an idea about why immigration has become a divisive issue.
Now read some current issues in the state of MA. These are from newspapers reporting about policies and bills that the state has passed or is considering regarding immigration.
Article from the NY Times on the State Senate's approval of a bill.'s article on the Senate's vote
Immigration and health care in MA
Immigration and economic struggles in MA
This first resource comes from an independant organization ( whose goal is to provide both sides of the issue. Take a look at this first to get an idea about why immigration has become a divisive issue.
Now read some current issues in the state of MA. These are from newspapers reporting about policies and bills that the state has passed or is considering regarding immigration.
Article from the NY Times on the State Senate's approval of a bill.'s article on the Senate's vote
Immigration and health care in MA
Immigration and economic struggles in MA
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Massachusetts to lose a representative?
As you will soon learn in Social Studies class, the legislative branch is split into two chambers. Each state elects two senators to represent the state in Congress. The number of representatives in the House of Representatives, on the other hand, is determined by population. The larger the state's population, the more representatives it sends to the House. The following article describes a change that might occur for Massachusetts. Since Massachusetts has lost population since the last population census, our state may lose a representative to Congress in 2012. What does this mean for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts? What effect will this have on our lives? Why do you think Massachusetts is losing population?
Mass. may lose congressional seat in ’12
September 28, 2010
WASHINGTON — Massachusetts is expected to be one of 10 states to lose congressional seats in 2012 as a result of shifting populations, according to a new study.
Massachusetts would join Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in losing one seat, projections from Election Data Services Inc. revealed. New York and Ohio would each lose two seats.
Texas would be the biggest beneficiary, gaining four seats, with Florida in line for two more seats, and one each for Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
The reapportionment process will begin after the census numbers are released, probably in late December. Each state will then have to draw new congressional districts in time for the 2012 elections.
The prediction is not a surprise for the Commonwealth. State officials and members of the 10-seat Massachusetts delegation have been aware of such a likelihood for months.
There were, however, some unexpected projections in the report. “We were most surprised at the shift of an additional district out of New York and down to Florida, even though that follows the population movement in this country since World War II,’’ said Kimball Brace, president of the election data firm.
No other state in New England would be affected, although Rhode Island is only narrowly expected to keep both of its congressional districts; if the census numbers come in lower than expected, it could lose one of those seats.
In Massachusetts, the Legislature redraws the districts, which could lead to two incumbents facing off in the primaries in 2012.
Election Data Services released the study this past weekend at a redistricting seminar of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Providence. — MATT VISER
Citation: Associated Press. "Mass. May Lose Congressional Seat in ’12 - The Boston Globe." 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 28 Sept. 2010..
Mass. may lose congressional seat in ’12
September 28, 2010
WASHINGTON — Massachusetts is expected to be one of 10 states to lose congressional seats in 2012 as a result of shifting populations, according to a new study.
Massachusetts would join Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania in losing one seat, projections from Election Data Services Inc. revealed. New York and Ohio would each lose two seats.
Texas would be the biggest beneficiary, gaining four seats, with Florida in line for two more seats, and one each for Arizona, Georgia, Nevada, South Carolina, Utah, and Washington.
The reapportionment process will begin after the census numbers are released, probably in late December. Each state will then have to draw new congressional districts in time for the 2012 elections.
The prediction is not a surprise for the Commonwealth. State officials and members of the 10-seat Massachusetts delegation have been aware of such a likelihood for months.
There were, however, some unexpected projections in the report. “We were most surprised at the shift of an additional district out of New York and down to Florida, even though that follows the population movement in this country since World War II,’’ said Kimball Brace, president of the election data firm.
No other state in New England would be affected, although Rhode Island is only narrowly expected to keep both of its congressional districts; if the census numbers come in lower than expected, it could lose one of those seats.
In Massachusetts, the Legislature redraws the districts, which could lead to two incumbents facing off in the primaries in 2012.
Election Data Services released the study this past weekend at a redistricting seminar of the National Conference of State Legislatures in Providence. — MATT VISER
Citation: Associated Press. "Mass. May Lose Congressional Seat in ’12 - The Boston Globe." 28 Sept. 2010. Web. 28 Sept. 2010.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
It's A New School Year 2010-2011

Welcome 8th graders of Arrupe! Think about putting in the extra time and effort this year and become a social studies scholar. Lunch meetings are every Day 2. Come on by anytime to check out videos, debate other classmates or even teachers, and just share in the love of history. Feel free to share your thoughts on this blog. See Mr. Kiely, Mr. Gartside, Mr. Ahmed, or Ms. Wilson if you have any questions.
Mrs. Wilson's Magis Assignment: Parents and students leave your thoughts about the 8th grade social studies course under the comments section of this post.
First question: What should be our first topic to learn about? Post your thoughts.
Monday, May 24, 2010
James Brown Saves Boston from Riots
After Martin Luther King was killed, residents in cities all over the country rioted for several days straight. Watch how Boston was spared much of this violence. What do you think it would be like to be in Mayor Kevin White's Shoes?
Friday, April 16, 2010
Great Pacific War story
If you are interested in WWII history and want a fascinating and captivating story from the Pacific front, then check out Ghost Soldiers by Hampton Sides. Below is a review of the book.
The Bataan Death March was just the beginning of the woes American soldiers captured by the Japanese army in the Philippines had to endure. The survivors of the march faced not only their captors' regular brutality (having surrendered, they were considered to be less than honorable foes), but also a host of illnesses such as dysentery and malaria. For three years these "ghost soldiers" lived in misery, suffering terrible losses.
When Army Rangers among Douglas MacArthur's forces arrived in the Philippines, they hatched a daring plan to liberate their captured comrades, a mission that, if successful, would prove to be a tremendous morale booster at the front and at home. Led by a young officer named Henry Mucci (called "Little MacArthur" for his constant pipe as well as his brilliance as a strategist), a combined Ranger and Filipino guerrilla force penetrated far behind enemy lines, attacked Japanese forces guarding Allied prisoners at a jungle outpost called Cabanatuan, and shepherded hundreds of prisoners to safety, with an angry Japanese army in hot pursuit. Amazingly, they suffered only light casualties.
In Ghost Soldiers, journalist Hampton Sides recounts that daring rescue, once known to every American schoolchild but now long forgotten. A gifted storyteller, Sides packs his narrative with detailed descriptions of the principal actors on both sides of the struggle and with moments of danger and exhilaration. Thrilling from start to finish, his book celebrates the heroism of hundreds of warriors and brings renewed attention to one of the Rangers' finest hours. --Gregory McNamee
The Bataan Death March was just the beginning of the woes American soldiers captured by the Japanese army in the Philippines had to endure. The survivors of the march faced not only their captors' regular brutality (having surrendered, they were considered to be less than honorable foes), but also a host of illnesses such as dysentery and malaria. For three years these "ghost soldiers" lived in misery, suffering terrible losses.
When Army Rangers among Douglas MacArthur's forces arrived in the Philippines, they hatched a daring plan to liberate their captured comrades, a mission that, if successful, would prove to be a tremendous morale booster at the front and at home. Led by a young officer named Henry Mucci (called "Little MacArthur" for his constant pipe as well as his brilliance as a strategist), a combined Ranger and Filipino guerrilla force penetrated far behind enemy lines, attacked Japanese forces guarding Allied prisoners at a jungle outpost called Cabanatuan, and shepherded hundreds of prisoners to safety, with an angry Japanese army in hot pursuit. Amazingly, they suffered only light casualties.
In Ghost Soldiers, journalist Hampton Sides recounts that daring rescue, once known to every American schoolchild but now long forgotten. A gifted storyteller, Sides packs his narrative with detailed descriptions of the principal actors on both sides of the struggle and with moments of danger and exhilaration. Thrilling from start to finish, his book celebrates the heroism of hundreds of warriors and brings renewed attention to one of the Rangers' finest hours. --Gregory McNamee
Friday, April 9, 2010
Remembering Kristallnacht
Why is it important to remember? Does it ever become overkill? What do we lose if we forget our past? Check out this article about the 60th anniversary of Kristallnacht. How can we as a society move forward and still honor the past?
THE RECORD (Hackensack, N.J.) Nov. 9, 1998, n.p. Reprinted with permission from Associated Press Newsfeatures. GERMANY JEWS REMEMBER KRISTALLNACHT by Anne Thompson Associated Press Writer BERLIN (AP)--With a "march of silence" and plans for new synagogues, Germany's Jewish community marked the 60th anniversary Monday of Kristallnacht--the "Night of Broken Glass"--when Nazi storm troopers burned and ransacked Jewish businesses and temples. Germany's Jewish community numbered 530,000 before the Nazis took power; it now is 70,000 strong and growing. But neo-Nazi incidents also are on the rise, and Jewish leaders are more determined than ever that the Holocaust not be forgotten--fighting what they see as a trend toward emphasizing Germany's future at the expense of remembering its past. Politicians, including Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, religious leaders and members of the Jewish community gathered for anniversary speeches in a cavernous, mosaic-covered Berlin synagogue where windows were shattered during the Kristallnacht violence that presaged the Holocaust. Topic No. 1: How to remember the past while moving Germany into the 21st century and its seat of government back to Berlin, Adolf Hitler's capital. Underscoring all the speeches was the theme that Germans still struggle for the right way to preserve the horrors of the Holocaust as a lesson for future generations. Ignatz Bubis, the leader of Germany's Jews, lambasted what he calls an "intellectual nationalism" represented in comments by a prize-winning German author who says repeated media references to Nazi atrocities are designed to perpetuate German guilt. Bubis contends novelist Martin Walser has given neo-Nazis mainstream arguments for anti-Semitic assaults, such as the small swastikas found Monday etched into a monument commemorating the mass deportation of Berlin's Jews to concentration camps. "Whenever someone who is counted among the spiritual elite of the nation makes such statements, they carry a weight of their own," Bubis told the audience of 2,000. "It is certain that right-wing extremists will refer to Walser." The Kristallnacht anniversary has particular significance this year, which saw the election of politicians too young to have memories of World War II. The generational change, coupled with the move to Berlin and the new government's emphasis on a forward-looking Germany has sparked concern that there is a desire to return to a "normal" Germany unburdened by the Holocaust. "For me, normality is to be a Jew and to be able to live in Germany again," Bubis said. "'Normality' cannot mean that we supplant memory and live with a new anti-Semitism and new racism." Berlin's Jewish community held its first "march of silence" Monday in remembrance of Kristallnacht. Some 2,000-3,000 people formed a sea of umbrellas on a dark, drizzling afternoon. A march also was held in Duesseldorf, along with ceremonies in Buchenwald, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich. The synagogue ceremony started with a description of Kristallnacht from historian Andreas Nachama, leader of Berlin's Jewish community. On the night of Nov. 9, 1938, Nazi leaders heard a Jew had shot a German diplomat in Paris. In reprisal, they ordered storm troopers into the streets in Germany and Austria, which Hitler had annexed earlier. They rounded up Jews and burned and broke windows in synagogues and Jewish businesses--calling it the "Night of Broken Glass." When the rampage ended on Nov. 10, more than 1,300 synagogues were destroyed and more than 30,000 Jews had been sent to concentration camps. Several hundred people were killed or committed suicide. Today, some say Kristallnacht risks being eclipsed by another watershed--the Nov. 9, 1989, fall of the Berlin Wall, which led to German reunification the next year. Nachama called it a "coincidence" that the events fall on the same date but saw commonality in both resulting from totalitarianism: Kristallnacht from the Nazis and the Berlin Wall from the communists. There was hope, too, in Monday's events. The eastern city of Dresden broke ground for a synagogue on the site of a Jewish temple destroyed in the war. And Berlin unveiled blueprints for rebuilding its temple in the Mitte neighborhood, a center of Jewish life before the war. While both prewar synagogues sat about 2,000 people, the new ones will have seats only for a few hundred. Of the 11 million people who perished under the Nazis, about 6 million were Jews. * * * GERMAN CITY BUILDING NEW SYNAGOGUE DRESDEN, GERMANY (AP)--Sixty years after Dresden's main synagogue burned to the ground in the Nazi pogrom Kristallnacht, officials on Monday laid the cornerstone for a new synagogue on the same site. The new building will be smaller to reflect the city's diminished Jewish community, but the leader of Dresden's Jews, Roman Koenig, expressed hope that it would stand as a sign of tolerance and vigilance. It is the first new synagogue to be built in former East Germany since reunification in 1990. The Semper synagogue, built in 1838 by the same architect who designed Dresden's famed opera house, was one of more than 1,300 destroyed by Nazi storm troopers on Kristallnacht, known as the Night of Broken Glass, on Nov. 9, 1938. But Dresden firefighter Alfred Neugebauer, responding to the blaze, saved a Star of David from the building and hid it in his attic until the war ended. He then returned it to the Jewish community. The star will be placed on top of the new synagogue, which will begin holding services in a year. The city of Dresden and Saxony state have contributed $6 million to build the synagogue. Another $2.4 million has been donated, including $110,000 collected in Columbus, Ohio, Dresden's American sister city. Frank Wobst--a Dresden native and now head of Columbus-based Huntington Bankshares Inc.--helped forge the sister-city relationship, and returned Monday to present the check and underline the American city's commitment to Dresden. "We wanted to be part of rebuilding the synagogue so Dresden's Jewish community would have a synagogue and be more complete," said Wobst, who was only 4 when the old synagogue was destroyed. He left his native city for West Germany in 1952, as the communists secured their hold on East Germany, and moved to the United States several years later. Wobst also brought with him a $30,000 check to help rebuild the city's central church, the Frauenkirche, which was destroyed in the war by Allied bombs.--Frank Ellmers, Associated Press Writer
Thompson, Anne. "Germany Jews Remember Kristallnacht." The Record (Hackensack, NJ) Nov. 9 1998: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web. 09 April 2010.
THE RECORD (Hackensack, N.J.) Nov. 9, 1998, n.p. Reprinted with permission from Associated Press Newsfeatures. GERMANY JEWS REMEMBER KRISTALLNACHT by Anne Thompson Associated Press Writer BERLIN (AP)--With a "march of silence" and plans for new synagogues, Germany's Jewish community marked the 60th anniversary Monday of Kristallnacht--the "Night of Broken Glass"--when Nazi storm troopers burned and ransacked Jewish businesses and temples. Germany's Jewish community numbered 530,000 before the Nazis took power; it now is 70,000 strong and growing. But neo-Nazi incidents also are on the rise, and Jewish leaders are more determined than ever that the Holocaust not be forgotten--fighting what they see as a trend toward emphasizing Germany's future at the expense of remembering its past. Politicians, including Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder, religious leaders and members of the Jewish community gathered for anniversary speeches in a cavernous, mosaic-covered Berlin synagogue where windows were shattered during the Kristallnacht violence that presaged the Holocaust. Topic No. 1: How to remember the past while moving Germany into the 21st century and its seat of government back to Berlin, Adolf Hitler's capital. Underscoring all the speeches was the theme that Germans still struggle for the right way to preserve the horrors of the Holocaust as a lesson for future generations. Ignatz Bubis, the leader of Germany's Jews, lambasted what he calls an "intellectual nationalism" represented in comments by a prize-winning German author who says repeated media references to Nazi atrocities are designed to perpetuate German guilt. Bubis contends novelist Martin Walser has given neo-Nazis mainstream arguments for anti-Semitic assaults, such as the small swastikas found Monday etched into a monument commemorating the mass deportation of Berlin's Jews to concentration camps. "Whenever someone who is counted among the spiritual elite of the nation makes such statements, they carry a weight of their own," Bubis told the audience of 2,000. "It is certain that right-wing extremists will refer to Walser." The Kristallnacht anniversary has particular significance this year, which saw the election of politicians too young to have memories of World War II. The generational change, coupled with the move to Berlin and the new government's emphasis on a forward-looking Germany has sparked concern that there is a desire to return to a "normal" Germany unburdened by the Holocaust. "For me, normality is to be a Jew and to be able to live in Germany again," Bubis said. "'Normality' cannot mean that we supplant memory and live with a new anti-Semitism and new racism." Berlin's Jewish community held its first "march of silence" Monday in remembrance of Kristallnacht. Some 2,000-3,000 people formed a sea of umbrellas on a dark, drizzling afternoon. A march also was held in Duesseldorf, along with ceremonies in Buchenwald, Frankfurt, Hamburg and Munich. The synagogue ceremony started with a description of Kristallnacht from historian Andreas Nachama, leader of Berlin's Jewish community. On the night of Nov. 9, 1938, Nazi leaders heard a Jew had shot a German diplomat in Paris. In reprisal, they ordered storm troopers into the streets in Germany and Austria, which Hitler had annexed earlier. They rounded up Jews and burned and broke windows in synagogues and Jewish businesses--calling it the "Night of Broken Glass." When the rampage ended on Nov. 10, more than 1,300 synagogues were destroyed and more than 30,000 Jews had been sent to concentration camps. Several hundred people were killed or committed suicide. Today, some say Kristallnacht risks being eclipsed by another watershed--the Nov. 9, 1989, fall of the Berlin Wall, which led to German reunification the next year. Nachama called it a "coincidence" that the events fall on the same date but saw commonality in both resulting from totalitarianism: Kristallnacht from the Nazis and the Berlin Wall from the communists. There was hope, too, in Monday's events. The eastern city of Dresden broke ground for a synagogue on the site of a Jewish temple destroyed in the war. And Berlin unveiled blueprints for rebuilding its temple in the Mitte neighborhood, a center of Jewish life before the war. While both prewar synagogues sat about 2,000 people, the new ones will have seats only for a few hundred. Of the 11 million people who perished under the Nazis, about 6 million were Jews. * * * GERMAN CITY BUILDING NEW SYNAGOGUE DRESDEN, GERMANY (AP)--Sixty years after Dresden's main synagogue burned to the ground in the Nazi pogrom Kristallnacht, officials on Monday laid the cornerstone for a new synagogue on the same site. The new building will be smaller to reflect the city's diminished Jewish community, but the leader of Dresden's Jews, Roman Koenig, expressed hope that it would stand as a sign of tolerance and vigilance. It is the first new synagogue to be built in former East Germany since reunification in 1990. The Semper synagogue, built in 1838 by the same architect who designed Dresden's famed opera house, was one of more than 1,300 destroyed by Nazi storm troopers on Kristallnacht, known as the Night of Broken Glass, on Nov. 9, 1938. But Dresden firefighter Alfred Neugebauer, responding to the blaze, saved a Star of David from the building and hid it in his attic until the war ended. He then returned it to the Jewish community. The star will be placed on top of the new synagogue, which will begin holding services in a year. The city of Dresden and Saxony state have contributed $6 million to build the synagogue. Another $2.4 million has been donated, including $110,000 collected in Columbus, Ohio, Dresden's American sister city. Frank Wobst--a Dresden native and now head of Columbus-based Huntington Bankshares Inc.--helped forge the sister-city relationship, and returned Monday to present the check and underline the American city's commitment to Dresden. "We wanted to be part of rebuilding the synagogue so Dresden's Jewish community would have a synagogue and be more complete," said Wobst, who was only 4 when the old synagogue was destroyed. He left his native city for West Germany in 1952, as the communists secured their hold on East Germany, and moved to the United States several years later. Wobst also brought with him a $30,000 check to help rebuild the city's central church, the Frauenkirche, which was destroyed in the war by Allied bombs.--Frank Ellmers, Associated Press Writer
Thompson, Anne. "Germany Jews Remember Kristallnacht." The Record (Hackensack, NJ) Nov. 9 1998: n.p. SIRS Researcher. Web. 09 April 2010.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Zimbardo Stanford Prison Experiment
Watch what happens when normal everyday people assume violent roles for "science" and society because someone else tells them to.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Auschwitz Chronology
January 25, 1940The SS decides to construct a concentration camp near Oswiecim (Auschwitz).
May 20, 1940The first concentration camp prisoners -- 30 recidivist criminals from Sachsenhausen -- arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp.
March 1, 1941Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of German Police Heinrich Himmler inspects Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Because nearby factories use prisoners for forced labor, Himmler is concerned about the prisoner capacity of the camp. On this visit, he orders both the expansion of Auschwitz I camp facilities to hold 30,000 prisoners and the building of a camp near Birkenau for an expected influx of 100,000 Soviet prisoners of war. Himmler also orders that the camp supply 10,000 prisoners for forced labor to construct an I.G. Farben factory complex at Dwory, about a mile away. Himmler will make additional visits to Auschwitz in 1942, when he will witness the killing of prisoners in the gas chambers.
September 3, 1941The first gassings of prisoners occur in Auschwitz I. The SS tests Zyklon B gas by killing 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 other ill or weak prisoners. Testing takes place in a makeshift gas chamber in the cellar of Block 11 in Auschwitz I. Zyklon B was the commercial name for crystalline hydrogen cyanide gas, manufactured by I.G. Farben and normally used as an insecticide. The "success" of these experiments will lead to the adoption of Zyklon B as the killing agent for the yet-to-be-constructed Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center.
January 25, 1942SS chief Heinrich Himmler informs Richard Gluecks, the Inspector of Concentration Camps, that 100,000 Jewish men and 50,000 Jewish women would be deported from Germany to Auschwitz as forced laborers.
February 15, 1942The first transport of Jews from Bytom (Beuthen) in German-annexed Upper Silesia arrives in Auschwitz I. The SS camp authorities kill all those on the transport immediately upon arrival with Zyklon B gas.
December 31, 1942German SS and police authorities deported approximately 175,000 Jews to Auschwitz in 1942.
January 1 - March 31, 1943German SS and police authorities deport approximately 105,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
January 29, 1943The Reich Central Office for Security orders all designated Roma (Gypsies) residing in Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to be deported to Auschwitz.
February 26, 1943The first transport of Roma (Gypsies) from Germany arrives at Auschwitz. The SS authorities house them in Section B-IIe of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which becomes known as the "Gypsy family camp." By the end of 1943 more than 18,000 Roma (Gypsies) will have been incarcerated in the so-called family camp and as many as 23,000 Gypsies deported to the Auschwitz camp complex.
April 1, 1943 - March 1944German SS and police authorities deport approximately 160,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
May 2, 1944The first two transports of Hungarian Jews arrive in Auschwitz.
July 6, 1944The deportation of Hungarian Jews is halted by order of Regent Miklos Horthy. The last transport from Hungary arrives on July 11.
August 2, 1944SS camp authorities murder the last residents -- just under 3,000 -- of the so-called Gypsy family camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The SS murders an estimated total of 20,000 Roma (Gypsies) in the Auschwitz concentration camp complex.
April 1944 - November 1944SS and Police authorities deport more than 585,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
October 7, 1944Members of the Jewish prisoner "special detachment" (Sonderkommando) that was forced to remove bodies from the gas chambers and operate the crematoria stage an uprising. They successfully blow up Crematorium IV and kill several guards. Women prisoners had smuggled gunpowder out of nearby factories to members of the Sonderkommando. The SS quickly suppresses the revolt and kills all the Sonderkommando members. On January 6, 1945, just weeks before Soviet forces liberate the camp, the SS will also hang four women who smuggled gunpowder into the camp.
November 25, 1944As Soviet forces continue to approach, SS chief Heinrich Himmler orders the destruction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers and crematoria. During this SS attempt to destroy the evidence of mass killings, prisoners will be forced to dismantle and dynamite the structures.
January 12, 1945A Soviet offensive breaches the German defenses on the Vistula; Soviet troops take Warsaw and advance rapidly on Krakow and Oswiecim.
January 18 - 27, 1945As Soviet units approach, the SS evacuates to the west the prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp complex. Tens of thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews, are forced to march to the cities of Wodzislaw and Gliwice in the western part of Upper Silesia. During the march, SS guards shoot anyone who cannot continue. In Wodzislaw and Gliwice, the prisoners will be put on unheated freight trains and deported to concentration camps in Germany, particularly to Flossenbürg, Sachsenhausen, Gross-Rosen, Buchenwald, and Dachau, and to Mauthausen in Austria. In all, nearly 60,000 prisoners are forced on death marches from the Auschwitz camp system. As many as 15,000 die during the forced marches. Thousands more were killed in the days before the evacuation.
January 27, 1945Soviet troops enter the Auschwitz camp complex and liberate approximately 7,000 prisoners remaining in the camp. During the existence of Auschwitz, the SS camp authorities killed nearly one million Jews from across Europe. Other victims included approximately 74,000 Poles, approximately 21,000 Roma (Gypsies), and approximately 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war.
May 20, 1940The first concentration camp prisoners -- 30 recidivist criminals from Sachsenhausen -- arrive at Auschwitz concentration camp.
March 1, 1941Reichsfuehrer SS and Chief of German Police Heinrich Himmler inspects Oswiecim (Auschwitz). Because nearby factories use prisoners for forced labor, Himmler is concerned about the prisoner capacity of the camp. On this visit, he orders both the expansion of Auschwitz I camp facilities to hold 30,000 prisoners and the building of a camp near Birkenau for an expected influx of 100,000 Soviet prisoners of war. Himmler also orders that the camp supply 10,000 prisoners for forced labor to construct an I.G. Farben factory complex at Dwory, about a mile away. Himmler will make additional visits to Auschwitz in 1942, when he will witness the killing of prisoners in the gas chambers.
September 3, 1941The first gassings of prisoners occur in Auschwitz I. The SS tests Zyklon B gas by killing 600 Soviet prisoners of war and 250 other ill or weak prisoners. Testing takes place in a makeshift gas chamber in the cellar of Block 11 in Auschwitz I. Zyklon B was the commercial name for crystalline hydrogen cyanide gas, manufactured by I.G. Farben and normally used as an insecticide. The "success" of these experiments will lead to the adoption of Zyklon B as the killing agent for the yet-to-be-constructed Auschwitz-Birkenau killing center.
January 25, 1942SS chief Heinrich Himmler informs Richard Gluecks, the Inspector of Concentration Camps, that 100,000 Jewish men and 50,000 Jewish women would be deported from Germany to Auschwitz as forced laborers.
February 15, 1942The first transport of Jews from Bytom (Beuthen) in German-annexed Upper Silesia arrives in Auschwitz I. The SS camp authorities kill all those on the transport immediately upon arrival with Zyklon B gas.
December 31, 1942German SS and police authorities deported approximately 175,000 Jews to Auschwitz in 1942.
January 1 - March 31, 1943German SS and police authorities deport approximately 105,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
January 29, 1943The Reich Central Office for Security orders all designated Roma (Gypsies) residing in Germany, Austria, and the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia to be deported to Auschwitz.
February 26, 1943The first transport of Roma (Gypsies) from Germany arrives at Auschwitz. The SS authorities house them in Section B-IIe of Auschwitz-Birkenau, which becomes known as the "Gypsy family camp." By the end of 1943 more than 18,000 Roma (Gypsies) will have been incarcerated in the so-called family camp and as many as 23,000 Gypsies deported to the Auschwitz camp complex.
April 1, 1943 - March 1944German SS and police authorities deport approximately 160,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
May 2, 1944The first two transports of Hungarian Jews arrive in Auschwitz.
July 6, 1944The deportation of Hungarian Jews is halted by order of Regent Miklos Horthy. The last transport from Hungary arrives on July 11.
August 2, 1944SS camp authorities murder the last residents -- just under 3,000 -- of the so-called Gypsy family camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau. The SS murders an estimated total of 20,000 Roma (Gypsies) in the Auschwitz concentration camp complex.
April 1944 - November 1944SS and Police authorities deport more than 585,000 Jews to Auschwitz.
October 7, 1944Members of the Jewish prisoner "special detachment" (Sonderkommando) that was forced to remove bodies from the gas chambers and operate the crematoria stage an uprising. They successfully blow up Crematorium IV and kill several guards. Women prisoners had smuggled gunpowder out of nearby factories to members of the Sonderkommando. The SS quickly suppresses the revolt and kills all the Sonderkommando members. On January 6, 1945, just weeks before Soviet forces liberate the camp, the SS will also hang four women who smuggled gunpowder into the camp.
November 25, 1944As Soviet forces continue to approach, SS chief Heinrich Himmler orders the destruction of the Auschwitz-Birkenau gas chambers and crematoria. During this SS attempt to destroy the evidence of mass killings, prisoners will be forced to dismantle and dynamite the structures.
January 12, 1945A Soviet offensive breaches the German defenses on the Vistula; Soviet troops take Warsaw and advance rapidly on Krakow and Oswiecim.
January 18 - 27, 1945As Soviet units approach, the SS evacuates to the west the prisoners of the Auschwitz concentration camp complex. Tens of thousands of prisoners, mostly Jews, are forced to march to the cities of Wodzislaw and Gliwice in the western part of Upper Silesia. During the march, SS guards shoot anyone who cannot continue. In Wodzislaw and Gliwice, the prisoners will be put on unheated freight trains and deported to concentration camps in Germany, particularly to Flossenbürg, Sachsenhausen, Gross-Rosen, Buchenwald, and Dachau, and to Mauthausen in Austria. In all, nearly 60,000 prisoners are forced on death marches from the Auschwitz camp system. As many as 15,000 die during the forced marches. Thousands more were killed in the days before the evacuation.
January 27, 1945Soviet troops enter the Auschwitz camp complex and liberate approximately 7,000 prisoners remaining in the camp. During the existence of Auschwitz, the SS camp authorities killed nearly one million Jews from across Europe. Other victims included approximately 74,000 Poles, approximately 21,000 Roma (Gypsies), and approximately 15,000 Soviet prisoners of war.
Concentration Camps Information
Many of you have questions about concentration camps and death camps. Here are a few links to some sites with excellent resources and information.
Expansion of the camp system:
Auschwitz video "Through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi Leadership":
Keeping track of prisoners: tattoos and numbers:
Expansion of the camp system:
Auschwitz video "Through the lens of the SS: Photos of Nazi Leadership":
Keeping track of prisoners: tattoos and numbers:
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Extra Credit Challenge: Hitler Youth Recruited
Earn up to 5 points on your paper: Watch this video about a member of the Hitler Youth who has a change of heart during WWII. What interesting things did this video teach/show you?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
New Challenge: Inside the Mind of Adolf Hitler
Watch this video and listen to what Hitler's men say about Hitler. What strikes you as interesting?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Seeds of WWII
Watch this video. What new information about Weimar Republic did you learn form this video? Any responses.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Appropriate use of the blog
This blog is intended for students to share their thoughts on social studies topics only. This is not an opportunity to chat and joke. Please use this blog appropriately and be respectful of those who wish to further their learning.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
New Challenge! Armenian Genocide
Read'Creating Enemies of the State: The Armenians' pg 102 and watch this video Respond to the post: What was the Armenian Genocide? What factors allowed Turkey to use Armenians as scapegoats?
Monday, February 22, 2010
Race-The Power of an Illusion
Watch episode 2 or 3 of the DVD: Race-The Power of an Illusion.
Answer as a reflection below: How has eugenics shaped our society?
Viewings will be in room 201 after school on Tuesday and Wednesday after school.
Answer as a reflection below: How has eugenics shaped our society?
Viewings will be in room 201 after school on Tuesday and Wednesday after school.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
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